| TramTrain: A report Jan 2023 | Günter Koch, Head of Metro and Tram Design at DB Engineering & Consulting in Karlsruhe, assesses the strengths, weaknesses and ways forward for systems that combine rail and tramways. Courtesy TAUT | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Study trip Sheffield 7th Feb 2019 | A presentation to Members, LRTA and others on a study tour of TramTrain to Rotherham | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Study Trip general Invitation 7th February 2019 | A study visit to TramTrain Sheffield, 7th February 2019. The Sheffield TramTrain Project was a major project for the APPLRG shortly after the Group was set up nearly 15 years ago following a successful member’s visit to Kassel, the UK TramTrain Trials was set up initially on the Penistone Line but moved to the Sheffield Rotherham Line with a dowry of sufficient size to enable our then sponsor Vossloh – Kiepe – Stadler to supply 7 TramTrain vehicles. | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Update June 2018 | TramTrain, At last success! After more than a decade of political campaigning and visits, Applrg welcomes TramTrain to our arsenal of tools to open up many under used or abandoned lines in our cities, towns and countryside and is a major asset for fighting poor air quality and re introducing trams into the urban area | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain:TramForward Press Release: Glasgow Airport | TramForward welcomes the recent Outline Business Case for a TramTrain service to connect Glasgow Airport to
Glasgow Central, which would be the best performing option for the much-discussed rail link, offering the best value
for money due to its greater attraction for users. | Tramtrain |
 | Client Earth: Clean Air Handbook Nov 2016 | Air pollution has significant impacts on the health of Europeans, particularly in urban areas, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). While air quality is slowly improving, air pollution remains the single largest environmental health hazard in Europe, resulting in a lower quality of life due to illnesses and an estimated 467 000 premature deaths per year. | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Glasgow Airport Rail Link Plans November 2016 | Plans for direct tram-train link between Glasgow Airport and city | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain:Leeds City Region Press Release:18th November 2016 | Leeds City Council never discussed
Light Rail option with Minister
| Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Leeds City Region: Open letter from Greg Mulholland MP | "Government transport millions for Leeds must be used for mass transit scheme and not squandered on smaller measures” says Greg Mulholland Leeds MP | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain : Leeds City Region: Letter to Judith Blake | "Government transport millions for Leeds must be used for mass transit scheme and not squandered on smaller measures” says Leeds MP in a letter to Judith Blake, Leader, Leeds City Council | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Leeds City Region: Letter to Chris Grayling | "Government transport millions for Leeds must be used for mass transit scheme and not squandered on smaller measures” says Leeds MP in a letter to Chris Grayling MP | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain:Reply to Hon Alderman D H Townsley Sept 2016 | TramTrain:Reply to Hon Alderman D H Townsley Sept 2016 arguments against Leeds City Region TramTrain starter proposals | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Paris T11 Vehicles arrive for testing | The arrival of the first Alstom Citadis Dualis tram-train cars at the Noisy-le-Sec maintenance depot on July 12 marked the start of commissioning of the T11 Express tram-train line in the northern suburbs of Paris. | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Leeds City Region Press Release : 1st June 2016 | PRESS RELEASE
Office of Greg Mulholland MP (Leeds North West)
Parliamentary Light Rail Group holds special meeting in Leeds to highlight TramTrain as city’s best option
| Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain; Leeds Launch of Leeds City Region Campaign 27 May 2016 | Launch of TramTrain & Tram for Leeds City Region, 1100h 27 May 2016, Black Prince opposite railway station Leeds | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Karlsrhue March 2016 | More TramTrains for Karlsruhe ordered | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain:Sheffield Dec 2015 | TramTrain vehicle unveiled | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Paris, Express South Line Finance Approved October 2015 | A €455m financing plan for the first phase of Paris's Tram Express South tram-train line was approved by the board of Ile-de-France Transport Authority, bringing the project a step closer to construction, which is due to start in the first half of next year.
| Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Aarhus Denmark October 2015 | Aarhus is currently developing Denmark's inaugural light rail project which is on course to open in 2017 to coincide with the city becoming the year's European Capital of Culture
The developments are expected to serve 20,000 new residents in Lisbjerg and 10,000 in Nye as greater Aarhus' population increases to 375,000, and its housing stock by 50,000 to 200,000 by 2030. The city is expected to create another 50,000 jobs during the period, taking its total to 230,000 while its already sizable student population is expected to expand from 40,000 to 60,000 by the end of the next decade. | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Pesa Poland October 2015 | PESA: The recent Winner of the Manufacturer of the Year Award 2015 offers its latest TramTrain Brochure | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain presentation Glasgow Airport Rail Link - The evidence still stands 2015 | TramTrain - Presentation - Glasgow Airport Rail Link - The evidence still stands 2015 | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Alstom Citidas Dualis Nantes July 2015 | Alstom has commissioned all 24 Citadis Dualis tram-trains ordered by the Pays de la Loire region.
The final vehicle has now entered passenger service on the Nantes-Clisson line.
SNCF placed a framework order in 2007 with Alstom worth €650 million for 200 Citadis Dualis tram-train units.
| Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Traction design delay June 2015 | Network Rail’s head of the delayed £60m tram-train pilot between Sheffield and Rotherham has admitted that design problems have affected the pace of work and the infrastructure picture “isn’t positive”.
Speaking at a panel session at the UK Light Rail Conference in Nottingham yesterday, Simon Coulthard said his team is “learning lessons the hard way” but that design and implementation works should be complete by about autumn next year.
| Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain: Cardiff Tramforward Proposal June 2015 | A proposal for Cardiff Bay, Mr Tim Kendell, Tramforward | Tramtrain |
 | Tramtrain: Aarhus Denmark June 2015 | LETBANEN, the public company responsible for developing the tram-train network in the Danish city of Aarhus, revealed the final interior and exterior designs on June 1 for its fleet of 26 LRVs, which is being supplied by Stadler Pankow. | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain Tinsley Sheffield 27 Jan 2015 | Connecting Sheffield and Rotherham by linking the railway to the Supertram network will give better access to jobs, education and leisure facilities | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain, Low floor for Karlsruhe | The BOStrab approval certificate for the vehicle was formally handed over to VBK at InnoTrans on September 25, making it the first low-floor tram-train vehicle to be approved for both BOStrab and EBO, according to Vossloh | Tramtrain |
 | ada | adasd | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Network Rail - Giles Thomas - Technical | TramTrain - Network Rail - Giles Thomas - Technical | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Chilliwack to Surrey interurban final report. Includes track cost per km | TramTrain - Chilliwack to Surrey interurban final report. Includes track cost per km | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Network Rail - Ian Ambrose | TramTrain - Network Rail - Ian Ambrose | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Sintropher EU- A feasibility study for TramTrain on the Fylde Coast | TramTrain - Sintropher EU- A feasibility study for TramTrain on the Fylde Coast | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Grasping the Opportunity - Leeds City | TramTrain - Grasping the Opportunity - Leeds City | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain T&AUT ERG LRTA Feb 2010 | TramTrain T&AUT ERG LRTA Feb 2010 | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Kassel T&AUT Jan 2010 | TramTrain - Kassel T&AUT Jan 2010 | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - The TramTrain Project - DfT | TramTrain - The TramTrain Project - DfT | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Mulhouse, France's Latest TramTrain. A heavy rail conversion (French only) | TramTrain - Mulhouse, France's Latest TramTrain. A heavy rail conversion (French only) | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Presentation - Glasgow Airport Rail Link - The evidence still stands 2010 | TramTrain - Presentation - Glasgow Airport Rail Link - The evidence still stands 2010 | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Report - Glasgow Airport Rail Link - Evidence to the Scottish Parliament 2006 | TramTrain - Report - Glasgow Airport Rail Link - Evidence to the Scottish Parliament 2006 | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Vossloh - Hybrid Tram Train Citylink | Vossloh Kiepe and Vossloh Rail Vehicles, Spain, will sypply eight with an option for an additional two Citylink tram trains for Verkehrsverbund Mittelsachsen GmbH. These vehicles are equipped with reliable, state-of-the-art electrical traction and acontrol technology from Vossloh Kiepe. The new bi-directional low-floor, dual mode vehicles will be operated on the lines of the so-called “Chemnitz model”, which extends the public transport in the Chemnitz region. The new tram-trains can be operated as trams in the city and as an interurban train on the existing railway infrastructure, hence eliminating the need to change trains. These Citylink vehicles are fitted with pantograph for 600 / 750 V operation and with two 6-cylinder diesel-gen-sets featuring AdBlue technology, which ensure the mobility on the railway sections of the network. Citylink vehicles fulfil the increasing requirements for mobility and ride comfort and make a significant contribution to better transport connections and quality of service. | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain Presentation - Opportunities for TramTrain | TramTrain Conference, 26th February 2014 Crowne Plaza Brussels | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - pteg August 2012 | Why tram-trains? Tram-trains combine the tram’s flexibility, and ability to penetrate city centre streets, with a train’s greater speed, allowing quick and easy travel from suburban stations directly into the heart of towns and cities. | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - The current definitions | While in the early days of TramTrain one spoke of the "Karlsruhe model", "track sharing" or "joint running" it is necessary today to distinguish between different groups. | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Alicante Spain | On the threshold of major expansion, TRAM Metropolitano de Alicante has grown from a railway unsuited to a changing market into a light rail system serving one of Europe’s most popular coastal regions. | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Parry Success - First glimpse at £5m light rail network | http://www.expressandstar.com/ First glimpse at £5m light rail network Monday 9th January 2012, 6:00PM GMT. This picture is the first glimpse of how a multi-million pound light rail network between Brierley Hill and Stourbridge could look under new plans. They were released today as bosses revealed work could start within the next two years, creating dozens of new jobs. Three new metro-style stations would be built as part of the £5 million project to run passenger railcars on a four-mile section of an existing freight line. Passengers would be able to catch the railcars from The Waterfront, in Brierley Hill. Railcars would then stop at a newly reopened Brierley Hill town railway station, off Station Road, which has been shut for more than 60 years. A new stop would be built near Corbett Hospital, in Amblecote, before railcars travel onto Stourbridge Junction to connect up with main line services to London, Worcester and Birmingham. Cradley Heath based-firm Parry People Movers has attracted £1m in principle from the Government’s Regional Growth Fund to kick-start the project. The firm already runs the branch line between Stourbridge Town and Junction stations. The cash allows the firm to begin research and development into the plans to evaluate the existing infrastructure like the tracks and help develop new vehicles for the line. Further funding will involve a leasing company putting up around £2.5m for the cost of the buying three new trains. Executive chairman John Parry today said it was great news for the company and the Black Country. New jobs including drivers, cleaners and maintenance workers will be needed if the proposals become a reality. “This is the biggest news for the company for a long time and we are delighted to be working on this project,” he said. “The Government do not want to hang around.” Read more: http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2012/01/09/first-glimpse-at-5m-light-rail-network/#ixzz1j34DtKvr | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Sintropher TramTrain (Blackpool) Project Newsletter May 2011 | TramTrain - Sintropher TramTrain (Blackpool) Project Newsletter May 2011 | Tramtrain |
 | TramTrain - Manchester Metrolink into Cheshire 2010. A heavy rail conversion | TramTrain - Manchester Metrolink into Cheshire 2010. A heavy rail conversion | Tramtrain |