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Warrington Hydrogen trams as a Service Presentation v.4 Feb 2025A presentation on the benefits of Hydrogen trams as a Service including potential revenue streamsWarrington
Warrington East-West Line v.7Jan 2025 Park & Ride, direct access from/to the Town Centre and Transport Hubs. Link to Central, Bank Quay Stations and Bus Station and Pedestrian Retail Centre. Frequent and Flexible Service, A Clean and Green Eastern Gateway to Warrington Opens up Fiddlers Ferry for Housing Eliminates LEZ Requirement along A57 No Road/Tyre/Brake Particulates (NEE) (A genuine zero emission vehicle). “High Street, Town Centre” Retail Access. Warrington
Warrington Lines 1 & 2 April 2024A Hydrogen VLR Tram will :- The first two lines will Improve non car access and connectivity to the two main North South and East West Road corridors Provide a greater service frequency i.e. 4-8 trams per hour, Employment including industrial and logistics sites New housing developments including denser housing without parking spaces. Provision of cleaner air to schools and hospitals On board Hydrogen or by overhead This Project may have a £10M +Hydrogen Investment Dowry the cost of the Western Link scheme has increased from the original estimate of £212.7m up to £269m as of 2022 £269m buys approximately 38 Km of double track and vehicles Has at least three times the Transport Legacy of Zebra Buses being introduced i.e. Thirty Five years + Warrington
LR UK Why Trams Let Warrington Breathe Sept 2023Presentation given today to Ms Charlotte Nicholls MP, Labour Warrington NorthWarrington
LR UK Trams for Warrington Response Nov 2021Presentation given today to Ms Charlotte Nicholls MP, Labour Warrington NorthWarrington
Air Quality Symposium March 31st 2023Warringtons first Air Quality Symposium sponsored by Trams for WarringtonWarrington
Proposed Warrington Tramway October 2017Light Rail (UK) Warrington based, believes that Warrington's congestion and serious transport air pollution can best be tackled by provision of high quality public transport. There is an opportunity coming in the proposed rebalancing of the North - South economy This can be provided by rail as part of the "Rail North" proposals and must include light rail and tramways, each mode providing optimal service for varying traffic flows. The essential requirement is full integration of modes, in terms of interchange and through ticketing, allowing seamless journeys into and within Warrington. Trams and light rail should form an essential component of our public transport provision especially connections in the East with Manchester Metrolink We need our local politicians to be more proactive to secure Warrington's position as a central hub and future proof our transport links Warrington
Proposed Tramway: Warrington Dec 2017Western Link Road Urban Transport Corridor Pollution,The Warrington Tram Solution Purpose & Requirements,A Cross Party willingness toachieve goals, Comply and improve Air Quality in Warrington and District Reduce the 95 UTC pollution related deaths per year,Improve town connectivityWarrington
Why choose Light Rail?

What is Light Rail & Trams today?

For public transport to become a force in dealing with urban congestion, carbon reduction, improving air quality and to be an attractive alternative to the car, it must be built quickly and operate affordably.

Some benefits:

  • Light rail systems have proven track record
  • Growing the public transport market
  • Creating modal shift in some cases 32%
  • Supporting regeneration , renewal and inward regeneration
  • Assisting in the creation off a new urban framework
  • An extremely green mode of transport
  • Will drastically reduce the nations carbon footprint
  • Can be used to re-engineer city districts
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