| Presentation: Invitation to Applrg Zoom Meeting 28th April 2021 Final notice amendment | Final Notice:
Supported by the Royal Voluntary Overseas League we have as our main speaker Baroness Vere of Suburiton, Minister of State talking about the Light Rail Industry, It's role on Air Quality and Climate Change and the emerging new Ultra Light affordable tramways: Speakers Prof Beverley Nielsen and Dan Giblin will be speaking as will Mr Brad Read, TigM and Nicola Small Coventry City Council
Please note in your diary, login details to require APPLRG in the membership box
Password is APPLRG in membership box | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Invitation to Applrg Zoom Meeting 17th March 2021 RSVP: Final Amended Schedule | House of Commons; Andy Carter MP. Chair, is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting 17 March 2021 (Log on from 14.45h.) Start time: @ 15.00h https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82315353311?pwd=ZjFHcjJrcko3aHNlWlAxaUVlejRkdz09 Meeting ID: 823 1535 3311 Pass Code 39474
Due to the changing nature of politics I must apologise for the multiple number of emails that have been sent to you by events beyond my control, hope you enjoy this afternoon's meeting: Secretariat | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Invitation to Applrg Zoom Meeting 17th March 2021 RSVP: Final Amended Schedule | House of Commons; Andy Carter MP. Chair, is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting 17 March 2021 (Log on from 14.45h.) Start time: @ 15.00h https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82315353311?pwd=ZjFHcjJrcko3aHNlWlAxaUVlejRkdz09 Meeting ID: 823 1535 3311 Pass Code 39474
Due to the changing nature of politics I must apologise for the multiple number of emails that have been sent to you by events beyond my control, hope you enjoy this afternoon's meeting: Secretariat | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Invitation to Applrg Zoom Meeting 17th March 2021 RSVP: Final Amended Schedule | House of Commons; Andy Carter MP. Chair, is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting 17 March 2021 (Log on from 14.45h.) Start time: @ 15.00h https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82315353311?pwd=ZjFHcjJrcko3aHNlWlAxaUVlejRkdz09 Meeting ID: 823 1535 3311 Pass Code 39474
Due to the changing nature of politics I must apologise for the multiple number of emails that have been sent to you by events beyond my control, hope you enjoy this afternoon's meeting: Secretariat | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Invitation to Applrg Zoom Meeting 13th Jan 2021 RSVP: Final reminder | To Join Zoom Meeting click here
Meeting ID: 885 8331 5083
Passcode: 781959 | Presentations |
 | Transport Debate: Westminster Hall: James Grundy, Norman Jesse, 25 November 2020 | Mr Norman replied that it was absolutely right to pick up light rail, which was inexpensive compared with heavy rail and could lead to a beautiful new industry for the UK to develop. He looked forward to hearing more about the proposal. | Presentations |
 | Presentation; Speaker's Script: Dan Giblin New Tramway Industry |
The New Industry I wish to address today is Ultra-Light Rail Manufacturing and Operation in and for the UK. The attractiveness of ultralight rail Is that it IS a low-cost design concept for both urban and rural public transport. Depending on circumstances it can be 30% to 75% of the cost of a tram. Ultra-light rail IS Already on its way to become a significant new home-grown industry.
| Presentations |
 | Presentation: Dan Giblin The New Tramway Industry 27th October 2020 | There is a dramatic change taking place in public opinion with communities rightly demanding improved air quality and better health through decarbonisation of transport. Action on Tramways investment will transform the political landscape by focusing on policies to achieve zero CO2 emissions, zero toxic pollution, A class ecological energy efficiency and will also significantly reduce tailpipe and road/tyre particulate matter and microplastics emissions.
| Presentations |
 | Presentation: Mr Stephen Metcalfe MP " A Tram for my Constituents " Zoom Conference 7th October 2020 | "A Tram for my Constituents," Mr Stephen Metcalfe MP Conservative | Presentations |
 | Presentation; Applrg Zoom Conference 7th October 2020 | Andy Carter MP is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 0219 0305
Passcode: 784560
7 October 2020
| Presentations |
 | Presentation: Nottingham Tramlink, A success now and into a Clean Air Future 10 June 2020 | Roger HarrisonChairman Tramlink Nottingham Ltd (2007-2015)
President Light Rail Transit Association (LRTA) 2014-2017
| Presentations |
 | Presentation: Ultra Light Rail Group 10 June 2020 | Ultra Light Rail Partnership, Associate Professor Beverley Nielsen, Chair Ultra Light Rail Group Partnership. | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Urban Very Light Rail: Coventry 10 June 2020 | Urban Very Light Rail, A solution for Coventry and other small cities and towns | Presentations |
 | Invitation: Zoom Conference 10 June 2020: Final Reminder | Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83992710381?pwd=RTFqc3ZIM3dwRDQ3aTUyN2M5VzdIUT09
Topic: APPLRG Meeting 10th June at 3:00 - Time: Jun 10, 2020 Logon from 1430h London | Presentations |
 | Invitation: Zoom Conference 10 June 2020 | Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83992710381?pwd=RTFqc3ZIM3dwRDQ3aTUyN2M5VzdIUT09 Topic: APPLRG Meeting 10th June at 3:00 - Time: Jun 10, 2020 02:30 PM London Open from 2:30 onwards Meeting ID: 839 9271 0381 Password: 741551 | Presentations |
 | Invitation; Applrg 10 March 2020 | RSVP: Due to congestion in the Committee Rooms, we are restricted and it will be on a first come , first served basis RSVP soonest | Presentations |
 | Report; Economic Impacts of Light Rail: Professor Richard Knowles June 2014 | An investigation into the Economic Impacts on Cities of Investment in Light Rail Systems by Professor Richard Knowles and Dr Fiona Ferbrache | Presentations |
 | Invitation: Applrg, Final House of Commons 23rd April 2019 - CHANGE | Due to congestion in the House of Commons and Brexit, we have been "bumped " to Portcullis House, room T and a later start time of 1800h
On behalf of the Chair Wera Hobhouse MP, please accept our apologies for the short notice change in these swirling changeable times | Presentations |
 | Invitation: Applrg, Final House of Commons 23rd April 2019 | Presentation, Final Draft RSVP, Please accept my apologies for any duplication in the swirl that is Westminster these days
Further details below on the first invitation sent out | Presentations |
 | Invitation:Applrg, House of Commons 23rd April 2019 | RSVP SOONEST - A pre DfT “Call for Evidence consultation" meeting based on the questions being asked” the presentations and the proceedings will be minuted and uploaded to our website and may be included with the APPLRG consultation to show that there is evidence of demand and that some of the projects are not far off being almost shovel ready, an important factor in the days to come. | Presentations |
 | Workshop Minutes: Funding for New Tram Systems 18th June 2018 | Funding for New Tram Systems Workshop
A workshop to assess the feasibility of attracting funding for new tram systems in Warrington, Bath, Oxford, Cambridge, London, Edinburgh extensions and others; exploring existing and innovative funding solutions to address issues of uncertainty and risks in financing new tram schemes.'
| Presentations |
 | TramForward; WebTAG Consultation Response Oct 2018 | TramForward & Applrg DfT WebTAG Consultation Response | Presentations |
 | Presentation:Workshop Funding for New Tram Systems pdf: 18th June 2018 | The aim of the workshop is to assess the feasibility of attracting funding for new Tram systems in Warrington, Bath, Oxford, Cambridge, London, Edinburgh extensions and others, exploring existing and innovative funding solutions to address issues of uncertainty and risks in financing new Tram schemes. A follow on of the current CaMkOx series | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Workshop, Funding for New Tram Systems 18th Jun 2018 @ 1330h | The aim of the workshop is to assess the feasibility of attracting funding for new Tram systems in Warrington, Bath, Oxford, Cambridge, London, Edinburgh extensions and others, exploring existing and innovative funding solutions to address issues of uncertainty and risks in financing new Tram schemes. A follow on of the current CaMkOx series | Presentations |
 | Presentation: CaMkOx Symposium: Air Quality 27 February 2018 | Air Quality Jim Harkins Light Rail (UK) | Presentations |
 | Presentation: CaMkOx Symposium: Funding Trams: TramForward 27 February 2018 | Funding Trams by Dan Giblin of TramForward | Presentations |
 | Presentation:CaMkOx Symposium: Funding Nottingham Trams 27 February 2018 | Funding Nottingham Tram | Presentations |
 | Invitation: House of Commons The Test Case for Oxford 27 Feb 2018 | Agenda | Presentations |
 | Invitation:Applrg House of Commons, 27 February 2018: CaMkOx | The Test Case for Oxford: Urbed. | Presentations |
 | Presentatation: Hydrogen, TIgM the way forward: 31 January 2018 | A low cost hydrogen tram, for smaller cities and towns. | Presentations |
 | Invitation: Applrg House of Commons 31 January 2018 13 | An invitation from Mr. Kelvin Hopkins MP, Luton North, Independent, to a meeting In Committee Room C, Portcullis House, 1 Parliament Street, Westminster
Mr Sam Flynn, A 2nd year Civil Engineering student at the University of Central University in Preston. Sponsored by Light Rail (UK) and TramForward
A fresh look at Trams to Lytham, A new extension to already successful Blackpool system Blackpool?
Mr. Brad Read, President TIG/m
TIG/m is a turn-key designer/builder of street-running public transportation rail systems commonly known as "streetcars", "trams", or "trolleys. Hydrogen/wireless! The way forward now?
Mr Gordon Platt, Project Leader, Kenex Thames Transit. | Presentations |
 | APPLRG: Diary Dates January - February 2018 | A draft program for the 31st January, third speaker to be confirmed | Presentations |
 | LR Applrg: Parliamentary Tea 28th November 2017 | Typo amendment to the Minister's name and my apologies
Call for more DfT staff: Minister willing to talk on Smaller Cities and Towns, Tramways and calls for leadership and Energy | Presentations |
 | Parliamentary Tea: Stadler, Mrs Elaine Greenwood 28th November 2017 | Mrs Elaine Greenwood, Stadler UK | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg House of Commons 24 October 2017: Dr. Colin Harris Cambridge Light Rail | Dr Colin Harris established Cambridge Connect in 2016 and is working closely with Railfuture and UK Tram to promote light rail as an enduring and sustainable approach to public transport for Cambridge. Dr Harris is Director of the consultancy Environmental Research & Assessment, and is based in Cambridge".
A stand alone system or as part of CaMKOx | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg House of Commons 24 October 2017: Robert Pain, Transport Focus | The Tram Passenger Survey (TPS)
Provides a consistent, robust measurement of passenger satisfaction with tram services in Britain
Informs our understanding of barriers to (greater) tram use, how to encourage greater use, and how to improve the passenger experience
Allows for comparisons to be made with passenger experiences on buses and trains
In 2016 covered tram services in Manchester, Birmingham, Blackpool, Edinburgh, Nottingham and Sheffield
| Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg House of Commons 24 October 2017 | "Trams for Cambridge (CaMKox) Mr Daniel Zeichner MP, Tram Group Bath Mr Dave Andrew Charles, Trams as part of the pollution solution, Dr Colin Harris UKTram
TIME CHANGE TO start at 1530 and finish at 1730. ROOM CHANGED TO CMR 21 | Presentations |
 | Inquiry; Four Committees relaunch Air Quality | Four Committees relaunch a joint inquiry on air quality
09 October 2017
Four Committees team up to scrutinise the Government's plans to reduce the harmful effects of air pollution on public health and the environment.
Inquiry: Improving air quality
Environmental Audit Committee
Environment Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Health Committee
Transport Committee
| Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg House of Commons Minutes of 26th April 2017 Meeting |
Meeting held in the House of Commons,
Wednesday, 26th April 2017 Chairman: Greg Mulholland MP
James Backhouse Transport Solicitor Backhouse Jones, Daniel Andrew Giblin Transport ConsultantTramForward member
Joanne Bentley Customer Services Manager Nottingham Express Transit
| Presentations |
 | UK Elections 8th June 2017: Purdah Notice | The All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group will be going into "PURDAH" with the dissolving of Parliament with effect end of business Wednesday 3 May 2017 | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg House of Commons Meeting: In Search of Excellence: Joanne Bentley, 26 April 2017 | Building a Culture of Customer Excellence - Joanne Bentley, Customer Service Manager, Nottingham Trams Ltd | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg House of Commons Meeting: Legal Consequencies of Transport Pollution 26 April 2017 | James Backhouse & Jones Ltd Chester
Public Law: ECHR EU regulation/directive JR Client Earth Legal firm
Private Law:Tort timeline comparator Asbestosis Employment/worker rights Breach of Statutory Duty
| Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg House of Commons Meeting: Tramforward Trams and Clean Air 26th April 2017 | TramForward Presentation - Trams and Clean Air | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg House of Commons Meeting 26th April 2017: Tramforward Trams and Clean Air | Notes for TramForward presentation, Applrg House of Commons 26th April 2017 | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg House of Commons Meeting 26th April 2017 | Amended timings and location to Committee Room 8, new timings 1400h - 1600h
Due to a General Election being called and Parliament being dissolved 3rd of May 2017, this will be the last meeting of this session and we will reform after the election
In the meantime come and join us | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg House of Commons: Preston Guild; Trampower 18 Jan 2017 | Preston Guild Tramway 2017, A guide to low cost tramways and funding? | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Minutes 18th January 2017 |
Meeting at the House of Commons, Wednesday, 18th January 2017, Chairman: Greg Mulholland MP,
Speakers:Andrea Lee, Healthy Air Campaigner, Client Earth, Lewis Lesley and Stewart Saunders, Preston TramPower Group, Ben Still, Managing Director,
West Yorkshire Combined Authority
| Presentations |
 | Presentation:Client Earth:The Right to Breathe 18 Jan 2017 | Fighting for our right to breathe clean air | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg House of Commons: Leeds West Yorkshire Combined Authority 18 Jan 2017 | The West Yorkshire Combined Authority (CA) is a collaboration between the West Yorkshire authorities.
It is the place where work that cuts across the whole of West Yorkshire and city region is undertaken and is the Local Transport Authority for West Yorkshire.
| Presentations |
 | Presentation:Applrg Meeting 18th January 2017 House of Commons | All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group, Committee Room 12 1500h - 1700h 18th January 2017 | Presentations |
 | Presentation:Minutes of H o C Meeting:Minister & TramTrain 11 October 2016 | Minutes of a Meeting on TramTrain and Paul Maynard MP at the House of Commons, Tuesday, 11th October 2016 | Presentations |
 | Presentation: TramTrain & Leeds City Region, A personal insight: Tim Kendell DfT (Retired) | A personal insight to some of the issues with Tram Train, Tim Kendell, formerly of DfT | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Is TramTrain part of Greater Manchester | Is Tram Train part of the future
for Greater Manchester? | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg Meeting TramTrain 11 October 2016 RSVP | Presentation: Applrg Meeting TramTrain 11 October 2016 RSVP, Secretary of State for Transport Mr Paul Maynard MP | Presentations |
 | Presentation; Minutes of Parliamentary Tea 14 Sep 2016 | Minutes of a Parliamentary Light Rail Group Tea 14 Sept 2016, Power Point presentation uploaded separately | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Parliamentary Tea 14 Sept 2016 Midland Alliance | A Midland Alliance Sep 2016 Presentation | Presentations |
 | Invitation: Parliamentary Tea 14 September 2016; Final | An Invitation to a Parliamentary Tea in the House of Commons | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg Leeds City Region TramTrain 27th May 2016 | The launch of the Leeds City Region TramTrain and Tram campaign, Black Prince, opposite main railway station Leeds @1100h | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg Sheffield Stadler TramTrain 25 May 2016 | A Power Point presentation from Stadler, Sheffield TramTrain | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg :Metro Cardiff & District 25th May 2016 | A Power Point presentation by Mr Mark Barry on proposals for Light Rail South Wales | Presentations |
 | Presentation:Applrg Minutes, House of Commons Meeting 24th February 2016 | Minutes of 24th Feb 2016 Meeting | Presentations |
 | Presentation:Applrg House of Commons Meeting 23 March 2016 | Cancelled until 25th May 2016 | Presentations |
 | Presentation: Applrg Minutes, House of Commons Meeting 27th Jan 2016 | Minutes Applrg 26th January 2016 | Presentations |
 | Presentation: House of Commons 24th February 2016 RSVP | RSVP, Download document may be needed for entry
On behalf of my Chairman, Mr Greg Mullholland MP,
please find attached invitation and program for our next meeting in
Committee Room 12, @ 1400h - 1600h, Wednesday 24th Feb 2016
Speakers :Baroness Randerson of Roath Park
Mr Peter Cushing, Director, Manchester Metrolink
Mr. Paul Rowen, TramForward | Presentations |
 | Presentation; Power Point, House of Commons 27th Jan 2016 Christophe Chassegnette, Cola Rail | Tramways; The New Low Cost Methods -The Tracks to the future | Presentations |
 | Presentation; Power Point, House of Commons 27th Jan 2016 Christian Wolmar | Trams - The Real Story | Presentations |
 | Presentation; Minutes, House of Commons 27th Jan 2016 Christian Wolmar | Minutes Of Christian Wolman's presentation 27th Jan 2016 | Presentations |
 | Presentation: House of Commons 27th January 2016 RSVP | RSVP, Download document may be needed for entry
On behalf of my Chairman, Mr Greg Mullholland MP,
please find attached invitation and program for our next meeting in
Committee Room 12, @ 1400h - 1600h, Wednesday 27th January 2016
Speakers : Mr David Mowatt MP
Mr Christian Wolmar Writer and Broadcaster
Msr Christophe Chassagnette, Colas | Presentations |
 | Presentation: House of Commons 16th December 2015 | Very light trams from £5000K | Presentations |
 | Presentation: House of Commons 16th December 2015 | Update: Change of Speaker; Mr Daniel Zeichner MP Cambridge Local Shadow Minister for Transport replaces Mr Jonathan Reynolds MP | Presentations |
 | Presentation: House of Commons 16th Dec 2015 RSVP | An update: Room Change from Committee Room 13 to Committee Room 18 | Presentations |
 | Parliamentary Tea 16 Sept 2015 RSVP | A limited invitation from
Mr. Greg Mulholland MP.
To a
Parliamentary Tea
In the
Thames Pavilion Room,
House of Commons
RSVP to ensure your invitation confirmation | Presentations |
 | Presentation House of Commons 2nd Dec 2014 | Low Impact Light Rail
James Hammett
General Manager
UKTram | Presentations |
 | Presentation UKTram High level Summit 4th Feb 2015 | High-Level Tram Summit
Wednesday February 2015
Lower Hall, Emmanuel Centre
9-23 Marsham Street
Arrival and Registration Welcome and UK Tram New Constitution and Governance
Geoff Inskip
Report Feedback from Working Groups
o Executive
Chris Coleman
o Guidance and Standards
Colin Robey
o Promoter Group
Peter Cushing
o Engineers Group
Dean Watkins
o Operators Group
Claire Ansley
o Marketing Group
James Hammett
o Heritage Group
Geoffrey Claydon
Report Feedback on UK Tram Working Group
o Low Cost Light Rail Competition
Paul Griffiths
o Ultra-Light Rail
Bob Chard
o Pedestrian Crossings
Phil Hewitt
ORR Update
David Keay
Refreshment Break
Keynote Speech
Baroness Kramer
Progress Report Green Light for
Light Rail
RAIB Update
Carolyn Griffiths
UK Achievements Update
Colin Robey
UK Tram Forward Action Plan
James Hammett
Summing Up
Roger Harrison
| Presentations |
 | Presentation House of Commons 10 Feb 2015 Final Update | The Panel, Claire Perry, Norman Baker & Lilian Greenwood will give a short presentation of 5 - 10 - minutes followed by some written questions submitted by 27th January 2015 and the remainder of the meeting with questions from the floor | Presentations |
 | Presentation House of Commons 10 Feb 2015 | A high level direct Q & A session to find out what the three main parties promise for the May 2015 Election. A selection of written and verbal questions | Presentations |
 | Presentation House of Commons Feb 2015 | Please download the invitation to our next presentation on 10th Feb 2015 Committee Room 7 1600h - 1800h and e-mail me for confirmation to applrguk@aol.com
The format is different time this time.
The first half of the meeting will be replying to pre- submitted questions by the three panel members as to their party's policy
The second half will be a straightforward Q & A
Please submit your written questions soonest as the numbers will be limited
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy, prosperous New Year and thank you for your support in 2014
Yours aye,
James Harkins FCILT MTPS
All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group
c/o Transport & Training Services UK Group
Light Rail (UK)
Warrington Business Park
Long Lane, Warrington
Cheshire, England
United Kingdom
07721378223 (M) 01925 243500 (B)
e-mail applrguk@aol.com
The Past we inherit, the Future we build. | Presentations |
 | Complete Streets - From Policy to Implementation 22 September 2014 | Presented at Rail~Volution Minneapolis, 22 September 2014
Greg Thompson . Tom Larwin . Tom Parkinson
Transportation Research Board Subcommittee on International Light Rail Development
Since 1985 when the first modern tram line opened in France 56 additional lines have opened in 33 provincial cities and various part of the Paris region carrying in aggregate well over three million passengers per day.* Almost all of these passengers become pedestrians on at least one end of their daily trips, and most do so on both ends and places where they transfer from one line to another or change modes. | Presentations |
 | Metrolink Update 2nd Dec 2014 | Transport for Greater Manchester METROLINK
All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group
2 December 2014
Peter Cushing Metrolink Director
A copy of the accompanying video can be found in "Videos" - " Metrolink Airport -The Final Video"
| Presentations |
 | Presentation | A change of Timings
An invitation to To a meeting to be held in the House of Commons. 1700h – 1900h Committee Room 7 Tuesday 2nd December 2014
Lilian Greenwood MP Labour, Nottingham South and Shadow Rail Minister A Political update of Nottingham Tramways and possible future projections
Peter Cushing, Chief Executive, of Manchester Metrolink.
Mr James Hammett, General Manager, Update on the Low Impact Light Rail Competition | Presentations |
 | Presentation | French Lessons for British Tramways - Oxford? | Presentations |
 | Presentation | A meeting to be held in the
House of Commons.
1600h – 1800h
Committee Room 6
Tuesday 14 October 2014
| Presentations |
 | LR Presentation - Andrew Braddock UKTram 19 03 2013 | What Trams can do for Jobs and the Local Economy The Examples of Croydon and Nottingham | Presentations |
 | LR - Applrg Presentation Parliamentary Tea 06 2013 | Report of a Parliamentary Tea held at the House of Commons on Wednesday 12th June 2013 Chairman: John Leech MP (Chairman APPLRG) | Presentations |
 | Invitation - Applrg Parliamentary Tea 2013 | Applrg Parliamentary Tea 2013 + faxback pdf | Presentations |
 | LR Presentation - Trevor Baxter - Metrolink Address | An address given by Mr Trevor Baxter, a private individual from Thamside. Views express by Mr Baxter are not necessarily shared by the Applrg and are those of Mr Baxter | Presentations |
 | Invitation - Applrg Meeting 19th March 2013 | An invitation from Mr John Leech MP Chairman All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group To a meeting to be held in the House of Commons. 1400h – 1600h Committee Room 8 19th March 2013 | Presentations |
 | LR Presentation Stephen Joseph CBT 19 03 2013 | A pro-light rail transport policy Stephen Joseph, Chief Executive Campaign for Better Transport | Presentations |
 | LR Presentation - Applrg 22nd January 2013 | Where Next for LRT in the UK? A presentation by Chair Roger Harrison, LRTF & Tramlink Nottingham | Presentations |
 | LR Invitation to the House of Commons 22nd January 2013 | An invitation from Mr John Leech MP Chairman, All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group To a meeting to be held in the House of Commons.1400h – 1600h Committee Room 8 22nd January 2013 | Presentations |
 | LR presentation - Applrg Meeting 19th March 2013 | Report of a meeting held at the House of Commons Tuesday 19th March 2013 Chairman: John Leech MP (Chairman APPLRG) | Presentations |
 | LR Presentation - Applrg 6th November 2012 Mike Connelly | Managing Customer Care During Tram Construction Mike Connelly Connelly Communications | Presentations |
 | LR Presentation - Applrg 6th November 2012 - Local Biodiversity in South Manchester | The Impact of the Metrolink Light Rail System on Local Biodiversity in South Manchester Dave Bishop | Presentations |
 | LR Presentation applrg - 6th november 2012 minutes | Report/Minutes of a meeting held in the House of Commons on Tuesday 6th November 2012 at 1500 hours. | Presentations |
 | LR Applrg Labour Fringe Manchester 2012 | A fringe event was held by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Light Rail at all three party conferences. RTM reports from the event held at Manchester Town Hall during the Labour conference, which heard from Centro and UK Tram chair Geoff Inskip, Stuart Kerr of Vossloh Kiepe, Jim Harkins, who provides secretariat support to the APPG, Labour MPs Graham Stringer and Clive Betts, and Transport for Greater Manchester chairman Cllr Andrew Fender. Copy courtesey of © rail technology magazine Oct/Nov 12 | Presentations |
 | LR Presentation - Invitation House of Commons 6th November 2012 | Mr Greg Mulholland MP Leeds North West Stand in Chairman All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group To a meeting to be held in the House of Commons. Room CM21 1500h – 1600h Tuesday 6th November 2012 (Room and finishing time may change) | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Convincing the Politicians - Thomas J Potter | Convincing the politicians Thomas J. Potter Senior Transportation Engineer, Norconsult ASformerly Chief Engineer, Bybanen 2001 - 2012 | Presentations |
 | LR Applrg Invitation House of Commons 20th March 2012 | An invitation from Mr John Leech MP Chairman All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group To a meeting to be held in the House of Commons. 1500h – 1700h Committee Room 15 20th March 2012 | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Wired vs Wireless | A presentation of the emerging world of trams beyond the wire versus trams under the wire A presentation given to the 7th Light Rail Conference Manchester 15th May 2012 | Presentations |
 | Presentation - TramTrain Comparisons | Sintropher conference British Library Conference Centre, London 25 May 2011 Session 3 - Innovation for Development Case Studies Tram-train technologies: concepts and comparisons Nils Jänig Deputy Director, TTK | Presentations |
 | Presentation - How to deliver Public Transport on a Reduced Budget | HOW TO DELIVER PUBLIC TRANSPORT ON REDUCED BUDGET Marc Le Tourneur Direction de l’Innovation et du Développement IN SLIGHT DENSITY AREAS, WHAT PUBLIC TRANSPORT MODE ? REGIONAL TRAM , WHY NOT ? BRT Comparisons | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Tram Summit Report - LRTA ERG Group | At the press launch for “Green Light for Light Rail”, Transport Minister Norman Baker indicated that he would call a “High Level Summit on Light Rail” with key players from the light rail sector to discuss how the recommendations of the report can be implemented. Some sixty three participants from the industry attended at the institution of Civil Engineers at Great George St London | Presentations |
 | Invitation - Applrg Meeting 6th December 2011 | Invitation - Applrg Meeting 6th December 2011 | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Applrg 6th December 2011 - Sir Peter Hall Sintropher Project | Presentation - Applrg 6th December 2011 - Sir Peter Hall Sintropher Project | Presentations |
 | Article: Opportunities abound for transporting goods by tram | Article: Opportunities abound for transporting goods by tram | Presentations |
 | Light Rail Awards 2011 Speech by Norman Baker | Light Rail Awards 2011 Speech by Norman Baker | Presentations |
 | Report - Applrg -Budapest Fact finding trip Jan 2012 | Purpose of visit Funding of transport schemes – who, how etc Local/regional/national Integration of services – trolleybuses and bus services Public or private What do they do with utilities – move them or access Planning process – how does it work? To explore and understand the legislation, methodology and practical applications of Tram/Light Rail, Trolleybus interface and integration, construction costs and methods. | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Now is the time for a new conversation with Developers | Presentation - Now is the time for a new conversation with Developers | Presentations |
 | Invitation - Fringe Event - Labour 2011 | Invitation - Fringe Event - Labour 2011 | Presentations |
 | Invitation - Fringe Event Conservative 2011 | Invitation - Fringe Event Conservative 2011 | Presentations |
 | Invitation - Fringe Event - Lib/Dem 2011 | Invitation - Fringe Event - Lib/Dem 2011 | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Affordable Light Rail & Trams | Presentation - Affordable Light Rail & Trams | Presentations |
 | Norman Baker - Radio 4 You & Yours, 8th August 2011 | Norman Baker - Radio 4 You & Yours, 8th August 2011 | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Norman Baker 12th July 2011 - Why UK Light Rail costs more | Presentation - Norman Baker 12th July 2011 - Why UK Light Rail costs more | Presentations |
 | Article - Clever Karlsruhe - Low cost ballastless track | Article - Clever Karlsruhe - Low cost ballastless track | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Geoff Inskip Delivering Light Rail - A green light - 8 November 2011 | Presentation - Geoff Inskip Delivering Light Rail - A green light - 8 November 2011 | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Lilian Greenwood MP - 8th November 2011 | Presentation - Lilian Greenwood MP - 8th November 2011 | Presentations |
 | Report APPLRG Meeting 8th November 2011 | Report APPLRG Meeting 8th November 2011 | Presentations |
 | Presentation - TrainTram, A low cost solution to Heavy Rail costs | Presentation - TrainTram, A low cost solution to Heavy Rail costs | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Why UK Light Rail costs more - Invitation only | Presentation - Why UK Light Rail costs more - Invitation only | Presentations |
 | Light Rail & Trams, A low cost affordable & sustainable mode | Light Rail & Trams, A low cost affordable & sustainable mode | Presentations |
 | Invitation - Applrg - Mr Norman Baker 15 10 2010 | Invitation - Applrg - Mr Norman Baker 15 10 2010 | Presentations |
 | Report, House of Commons 25th Jan 2011 Geoff Inskip, | Report, House of Commons 25th Jan 2011 Geoff Inskip, | Presentations |
 | Low Cost Affordable Trams, Tony Young, Applrg Presentation 14 Dec 2010 | Low Cost Affordable Trams, Tony Young, Applrg Presentation 14 Dec 2010 | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry pteg final report 15th Feb 2010 | Public Inquiry pteg final report 15th Feb 2010 | Presentations |
 | TramTrain proposal Leeds | TramTrain proposal Leeds | Presentations |
 | Presentation Freight Trams March 2008 | Presentation Freight Trams March 2008 | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 37.1 CTC tyneside coveringe e- mail.doc | Public Inquiry File 37.1 CTC tyneside coveringe e- mail.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 36.2 Graham Jellett memorandum.pdf | Public Inquiry File 36.2 Graham Jellett memorandum.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 36.1 Graham Jellett coveringe mail.doc | Public Inquiry File 36.1 Graham Jellett coveringe mail.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 35.1 Lothian Cycle Campaignl.doc | Public Inquiry File 35.1 Lothian Cycle Campaignl.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 34.2 Frank Chambers appendix a.doc | Public Inquiry File 34.2 Frank Chambers appendix a.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 34.1 Frank Chambers statement.doc | Public Inquiry File 34.1 Frank Chambers statement.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 33.1 Bill Vigrass appendixa.doc | Public Inquiry File 33.1 Bill Vigrass appendixa.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 32. 1 Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive(gmpte) statement.doc | Public Inquiry File 32. 1 Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive(gmpte) statement.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 31.2 Light Rapid Transport Forum (lrtf) memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 31.2 Light Rapid Transport Forum (lrtf) memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 30.1 National Joint Utilities Group (njug) covering letter and memorandum.pdf | Public Inquiry File 30.1 National Joint Utilities Group (njug) covering letter and memorandum.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 29.2a copy of letter(reply) Sidiq Khan to Norman Baker MP.pdf | Public Inquiry File 29.2a copy of letter(reply) Sidiq Khan to Norman Baker MP.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 29.1 copy of letter Norman Baker MP to Sidiq Khan.pdf | Public Inquiry File 29.1 copy of letter Norman Baker MP to Sidiq Khan.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 28.1 Stockport Council covering emai land memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 28.1 Stockport Council covering emai land memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 27.1 Arthur Percival memorandum.pdf | Public Inquiry File 27.1 Arthur Percival memorandum.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 26.1 Transport for London memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 26.1 Transport for London memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 25.1 pteg memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 25.1 pteg memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 24.2 Martin Cook appendix a.pdf | Public Inquiry File 24.2 Martin Cook appendix a.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 24.1 Martin Cook covering email.doc | Public Inquiry File 24.1 Martin Cook covering email.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 23.1 Campaign for Better Transport memorandum.pdf | Public Inquiry File 23.1 Campaign for Better Transport memorandum.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 22.2 Metro memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 22.2 Metro memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 22.1 Metro covering letter.doc | Public Inquiry File 22.1 Metro covering letter.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 21.1 Networkrail memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 21.1 Networkrail memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 20.1 Rail Industry Association memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 20.1 Rail Industry Association memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 19.1 David Rumney covering email.doc | Public Inquiry File 19.1 David Rumney covering email.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 18.1 Sub Technics covering letter.pdf | Public Inquiry File 18.1 Sub Technics covering letter.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 18.2 Sub Technics memorandum.pdf | Public Inquiry File 18.2 Sub Technics memorandum.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 17.3 Ben Hughes appendix b.doc | Public Inquiry File 17.3 Ben Hughes appendix b.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 17.2 Ben Hughes appendix a.pdf | Public Inquiry File 17.2 Ben Hughes appendix a.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 17.1 Ben Hughes covering email.doc | Public Inquiry File 17.1 Ben Hughes covering email.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 16.1 Light Rail Transit Association | Public Inquiry File 16.1 Light Rail Transit Association | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 15.2 CPT memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 15.2 CPT memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 15.1CPT covering letter.doc | Public Inquiry File 15.1CPT covering letter.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 14.1 Carillion memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 14.1 Carillion memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 12.2 LCT memorandum.pdf | Public Inquiry File 12.2 LCT memorandum.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 12. LCT covering letter.pdf | Public Inquiry File 12. LCT covering letter.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 11.9 Sustraco appendix g.doc | Public Inquiry File 11.9 Sustraco appendix g.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 11.8 Sustracoappendixf.doc | Public Inquiry File 11.8 Sustracoappendixf.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 11.6 Sustraco appendix d.doc | Public Inquiry File 11.6 Sustraco appendix d.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 11.7 Sustraco appendix e.doc | Public Inquiry File 11.7 Sustraco appendix e.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 11.4 Sustraco appendix b.pdf | Public Inquiry File 11.4 Sustraco appendix b.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 11.3 Sustraco appendix a.pdf | Public Inquiry File 11.3 Sustraco appendix a.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 11.2 Sustraco memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 11.2 Sustraco memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 11.1 Sustraco covering letter.doc | Public Inquiry File 11.1 Sustraco covering letter.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 11.5 Sustraco appendix c.doc | Public Inquiry File 11.5 Sustraco appendix c.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 10.2 Keolis memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 10.2 Keolis memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 10.1 Keolis covering letter.doc | Public Inquiry File 10.1 Keolis covering letter.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 9.2 Parry Associates memorandum.pdf | Public Inquiry File 9.2 Parry Associates memorandum.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 9.1 Parry Associates covering email.doc | Public Inquiry File 9.1 Parry Associates covering email.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 8.1 UK Tram memorandum.pdf | Public Inquiry File 8.1 UK Tram memorandum.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 7.1 South Yorkshire Passenger Transport (sypt) ecovering letter and memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 7.1 South Yorkshire Passenger Transport (sypt) ecovering letter and memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 6.1 Mersey Travel covering letter and memorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 6.1 Mersey Travel covering letter and memorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 5.1 Oil depletion Analysis Centre covering letter.doc | Public Inquiry File 5.1 Oil depletion Analysis Centre covering letter.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 5.2 Oil depletion Analysis Centre memorandum.pdf | Public Inquiry File 5.2 Oil depletion Analysis Centre memorandum.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 4.3 North-East Combined Transport Activists' Round Table memorandum supp.doc | Public Inquiry File 4.3 North-East Combined Transport Activists' Round Table memorandum supp.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 4.2North-East Combined Transport Activists' Round Table rmemorandum.doc | Public Inquiry File 4.2North-East Combined Transport Activists' Round Table rmemorandum.doc | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 3.2 Martin Prosser memorandum.pdf | Public Inquiry File 3.2 Martin Prosser memorandum.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 2.1 Light Rail (UK) memorandum.pdf | Public Inquiry File 2.1 Light Rail (UK) memorandum.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 2.2 Light Rail (UK) appendix a.pdf | Public Inquiry File 2.2 Light Rail (UK) appendix a.pdf | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 1.1 Evolution Quarter Residents' Association | Public Inquiry File 1.1 Evolution Quarter Residents' Association | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 1.3 Evolution Quarter Residents' Association | Public Inquiry File 1.3 Evolution Quarter Residents' Association | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 1.2 Evolution Quarter Residents' Association | Public Inquiry File 1.2 Evolution Quarter Residents' Association | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry File 00. Schedule of Evidence.doc Covers PI Files 01 - 37 | Public Inquiry File 00. Schedule of Evidence.doc Covers PI Files 01 - 37 | Presentations |
 | Public Inquiry Evidence Index Covers PI Files 01 - 37 | Public Inquiry Evidence Index Covers PI Files 01 - 37 | Presentations |
 | Invitation - Applrg HoC 18th March 2014 | To a meeting to be held in the House of Commons. 1500h – 1700h Committee Room 11. Tuesday 18th March 2014 RSVP | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Minutes - 18th March 2014 | All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group (APPLRG) Report of a meeting held at the House of Commons on Tuesday 18th March 2014 at 15:00 Chairman: John Leech MP (Chairman APPLRG) | Presentations |
 | Presentation - TramTrain the Opportunities 18th March 2014 | “TramTrain – The Opportunities” A presentation by Jim Harkins FCILT, MTPS. Light Rail (UK) Specialists in Affordable & Sustainable Tramways www.lightrailuk.com E-mail Lightrailuk@aol.com Warrington Business Park, Long Lane, Warrington, UK 01925 243500 | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Alston Update - 18th March 2014 | Alstom Update to APPLRG 18/03/14 Susan Evans Customer Director, NET & Cities | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Viaduct - 18th March 2014 | Matt Taylor Viaduct Helping you to Promote, Support, Build and Operate Light Rail Schemes "A Tram in a Box" | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Applrg Project in a Box 18 March 2014 | An article published in Tramway & Urban Tramways | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Applrg - LR Supertram 21 January 2014 | How the Tram System has Enhanced Sheffield Tim Bilby Stagecoach Supertram | Presentations |
 | Presentation - Convincing the Politicians PJ Rowen | A presentaion given by Mr Paul Rowen, 7th Annual Light Rail Conference Coalition Agreement makes specific reference to Light Rail: “ We will reform the way decisions on ….. Transport projects to prioritise … low carbon approvals (including light rail schemes)” | Presentations |
 | Dft Green Light for Light Rail | Dft Green Light for Light Rail | Presentations |
 | Dft Light Rail Statistics 2010 | Dft Light Rail Statistics 2010 | Presentations |
 | Invitation - Parliamentary Tea 18th June 2014 | The launch of “Economic Impact Study of Light Rail” by Professor Richard Knowles & Dr Fiona Ferbrache Trams, a catalyst for Jobs & Growth Guest Speaker Rt Hon Patrick McLoughlin MP | Presentations |