| Membership: Feb 2020 - | Current Active Members 2020 - 2021 | Articles |
 | Applrg : Press release, Call for major change for Trams in DfT | The All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group (APPLRG) has called upon the Secretary of State for Transport, The Right Hon. Grant Shapps, to instigate a major change in the structure of the Department for Transport (DfT) to give greater and due consideration to the tram and light rail sector. | Articles |
 | Applrg ; TramForward Press Release Dft DisappointmentMarch 2020 | TramForward is disappointed with the Department for Transport’s latest publication Decarbonising
Transport: Setting the Challenge. Apart from a passing reference to the expansion of Manchester
Metrolink, there is no mention of the role played by trams and light rail
| Articles |
 | Applrg: Dec 2019: The story so far | All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group - Highlights of the Story, Achievements and Ambitions so far: - Dec 2019 v.11 | Articles |
 | Dft Consultation 7 Feb 2019 | In recent years, the Department for Transport has provided funding to extend existing light rail systems in operation in a number of our cities. We have also been working closely with UK Tram and the sector in reducing the costs of systems for the future.
We have carefully considered recommendations from various reports. These include the 2010 All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group Report on progress in developing modern trams within the UK, and how barriers to the development of further tram schemes could be tackled.
The 21st century is seeing rapid shifts in how mobility is provided, with the adoption of broader and more sustainable approaches, such as cycling and car sharing.
Social and economic trends are also changing people’s behaviour and attitudes. The digital revolution, emphasis on smart cities and places, and a greater emphasis on sustainability and environmentally friendly ways of travel, create new transport challenges and opportunities. Transport is changing and over the medium to long-term we will be seeing radical changes to mobility services offered in our towns and cities. | Articles |
 | New Under Secretary for Transport: Andrew Jones MP | Andrew Jones has been appointed as the transport minister responsible for Light Rail following the sudden resignation by Jo Johnson.
The All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group welcomes Andrew back to this post
Nice to see you again | Articles |
 | LR: Transport Times: Urban Transport Group 10 November 2018 | Transport-led projects in the British rust belt need to foster cross-sector initiatives such as educational opportunities, a new report from one of the UK's largest transport groups has argued.
The Urban Transport Group, which represents Britain's largest urban areas, has argued that one-off capital projects are 'unlikely to be enough in themselves for towns to thrive'.
It cites the creation of a new multi-modal transport interchange in Altrincham, Greater Manchester, which together with other investment, led to a 19% increase in town centre footfall and a 20% reduction in vacancy rates.
| Articles |
 | LR UK: Ottowa Canada: BRT to LRT October 2018 | Ottawa is in the middle of a conversion away from a very successful Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network known by its marketing name, The Transitway, towards a Light Rail Transit Network known as the O-Train.
The remaining BRT System will feed the LRT system and act as rapid transit in areas too low in passenger levels to have LRT. This article looks at the trials and tribulations that has led to this change over.
| Articles |
 | LR Applrg: TramForward PR: DEFRA recognises "Oslo Effect" July 2018 | The Light Rail Transit Association (LRTA) welcomes the news that the Government has at last acknowledged the importance of brake, tyre and road surface wear as a major factor in traffic pollution (Defra/DfT-Call for evidence: brake, tyre and road surface wear, 26 July).
The LRTA and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Light Rail (APPLRG) have been drawing attention to this phenomenon for a number of years; known as the “Oslo effect” after the first major study in the eighties.
Particulates from this pollution source tend to be smaller than those from exhaust emissions (PM2.5 as opposed to PM10) and can not only enter the bloodstream but can penetrate the cerebral membrane and enter the brain. They have been identified as a possible factor in the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
| Articles |
 | LR Applrg DEFRA: Oslo Effect Recognition: July 2018 |
At Last: after years of campaigning and lobbying, UK Government has recognised the road/tyre dust transport corridor pollution and wants a consultation @
Call for Evidence: Brake, Tyre and Road Surface Wear. Closes 28 Sep 2018. Opened 26 Jul 2018.
Please respond direct and copy to info.applrguk@aol.com
| Articles |
 | GDPR: Register to OPT IN Applrg Data List 25 May 2018 | We are now updating our contact list in compliance with guidance given and if you wish to opt in and be contacted for further events, please send an e-mail to the Secretariat at the address below
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
| Articles |
 | LR Applrg 4 Select Committees Air Quality Report 15 March 2018 | Fourth Report of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, Fourth Report of the Environmental Audit Committee, Third Report of the Health and Social Care Committee, and Second Report of the Transport Committee of Session 2017–19 | Articles |
 | LR Urban Pollution; Alzheimers Link | Tiny magnetic particles produced by car engines, road surface, tyres and brakes can travel into the human brain and may trigger Alzheimer's disease, scientists have warned. | Articles |
 | Urban Air Pollution: The Almost complete answer - Glasgow October 2015 | Urban air in much of Europe is not fit to breathe, and vehicles, especially diesel cars and buses, are the principal cause. High levels of particles, nitrogen oxides and unburned fuel create a cocktail of harmful pollution that is breathed by almost every urban European citizen. The effects are half a million premature deaths each year; a quarter of a million hospital admissions; and 100 million lost working days cumulatively costing over €900 billion. The crisis is taking place despite extensive EU laws that limit ambient air-pollution levels, total national emissions, and emissions from major sources including vehicles. The Commission has acted against 18 EU member states for breaching pollution levels but progress to tackle the problem is glacial. EU limits for air pollution are projected to be breached for at least another 15 years and levels will remain above World Health Organisation no-effect guidelines. | Articles |
 | LR:Oslo Report | Due to interest generated by the Transport Select Committee and others, this report has been retrieved from our archives. An updated report will appear shortly | Articles |
 | The Almost complete answer to poor Urban Air Quality: July 2015 | Government Transport Policies are killing us: -
All governments have tried to sell us the low cost options of more efficient roads, cars, buses and trucks etc., but the evidence shows that these do not work on the scale now needed and this is a fatal path for many that they are taking down and whilst it appears that lip service is being paid to saving the planet etc., a step change with this new Government is required now that the facts are in the public domain has morally to be done to reduce the illness and death of hard working families, our very young and to enable our older citizens to enjoy considerable healthy, happy longevity | Articles |
 | Minister Andrew Jones MP Under Secretary of State Transport May 2015 | Mr Jones commented following his appointment: “We all know that transport is one of the most significant factors supporting economic growth. Ensuring that people are able to move from place to place easily and that goods can get from manufacturers to customers, both here and abroad as exports, is one of the basics of business. Transport is also an important factor in the quality of our daily lives. We must never forget that people use our trains, roads and public transport for shopping, getting the kids to school and a multitude of everyday tasks. | Articles |
 | The Oslo Report - Road Pollution more dangerous than tail-pipe emissions | “Oslo PM Report”
About Particulate Matters
Passenger Transport
In Oslo,
("Svevestøv fra persontransport i Oslo.
En beregning av mengder og kostnader"),
Otto Andersen
| Articles |
 | Metrolink Focus Jon Lamonte FCILT | Jon Lamonte FCILT, Chief Executive at
Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM)
delivered this speech to the CILT Greater
Manchester Group in 2014. He discussed
the latest transport developments and
achievements in the North West of
England and looks toward what will be
a challenging yet exciting year for TfGM. | Articles |
 | Technical - Kletterwiechen - An above surface crossover | Technical - Kletterwiechen - An above surface crossover | Articles |
 | TramTrain - Kassel | TramTrain - Kassel | Articles |
 | Technical - Carbon Report 2030 | Technical - Carbon Report 2030 | Articles |
 | Technical - A Low Cost British designed wheel - Needs funding for further development | Technical - A Low Cost British designed wheel - Needs funding for further development | Articles |
 | Technical - A mode cost comparison - Canadian Study November 2009 | Technical - A mode cost comparison - Canadian Study November 2009 | Articles |
 | Austerity - Starter Lines - article | Austerity - Starter Lines - article | Articles |
 | Light Hearted - Who needs low floor cars | Light Hearted - Who needs low floor cars | Articles |
 | Role of Light Rail & Tramways - Cities | Role of Light Rail & Tramways - Cities | Articles |
 | Article Re-Invigorating Local Transport Provisions | Article Re-Invigorating Local Transport Provisions | Articles |
 | Public Inquiry - pteg final report 15 Feb 2010 | Public Inquiry - pteg final report 15 Feb 2010 | Articles |
 | Article - Do we need heavyweight Tram Track? | Do We Need Heavyweight Track? The cost of implementing British tramways has escalated over the years. It has become established that street track has to be laid on substantial concrete foundations, and that all utilities have to be diverted, often at enormous cost to the tramway promoter, and the utilities get new assets free! Is all this really necessary? Is it done everywhere else in the world? The answer to both is no. | Articles |
 | Report Bus subsidies pro rata greater than Light Rail for less passengers | Bus use in UK is only holding up because of growth in London - London used to account for 20% of UK bus ridership, these days its 44%, but bus growth in London has levelled off - ridership in the Metropolitan counties is falling - despite the boost of Pensioners Passes - ridership on rail and underground is going UP (this includes trams) - only around 50% of bus income comes from fares - all the rest is subsidy, so buses are not "A successful private sector business" All this shows that if you want to attract discretionary riders - i.e. get car users out of their cars you need rail, buses are an increasingly expensive irrelevance. | Articles |
 | Report - UK Cties bottom of European League for car dependency | A report by the Campaign for better transport organisation UK cities bottom of Europe for car dependency 29 September 2011 New research published by Campaign for Better Transport reveals that UK cities are among the most car dependent in Europe, coming bottom of a study into car dependency. The European Car Dependency Scorecard examines how the infrastructure and transport policies of 13 European capitals affect people’s transport choices and quality of life. The scorecard uses 16 indicators covering ease of access to public transport, public attitudes to car use, congestion levels and the side effects from cars to give each of the cities a score and then ranks them accordingly. Whilst Stockholm, Helsinki and Prague grabbed the three top spots, London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast were eighth, ninth, eleventh and twelfth respectively, only beaten to last place by Rome. | Articles |
 | Statistic - DfT 2012 | In 2011/12, there were 204 million passenger journeys on light rail and tram systems in England, the highest annual figure recorded and continuing the upward trend of recent years. | Articles |
 | Low Cost Tramways - Do streetcars really beat buses in capacity and costs? | Low Cost Tramways - Do streetcars really beat buses in capacity and costs? | Articles |
 | Low Cost Tramways - Cutting Procurement Costs | Improving competition and cutting costs Providing viable, reliable transport infrastructure is an essential element of any modern nation and is a fundamental requirement if countries are to grow and meet current and future financial challenges.www.tramnews.net . www.Irta.org january 2012 11 Terry Walker of the LRTA’s External Relations Group argues how significant cost savings can be achieved and efficiency improved for light rail development through the use of revised procurement strategies. | Articles |
 | Pollution & Health, 30,000 dead in 2008 | Pollution & Health, 30,000 dead in 2008 | Articles |
 | Low Cost Tramways - Motors | Using this technology, it should be possible to achieve vehicle a weight of 10 Tonnes per 100 passenger capacity, with traction energy consumption of 0.5KWh / Km. The aim should be also to get cost down to that of buses on a similar capacity basis. Indeed, bus body technology would be used, the vehicle form being essentially similar to an articulated bus. | Articles |
 | Lord Berkeleys debate 14th June 2010 A massive Air Quality Fine for the UK | Lord Berkeleys debate 14th June 2010 A massive Air Quality Fine for the UK | Articles |
 | Air Pollution - Time for the UK to clean up its' act | Air Pollution - Time for the UK to clean up its' act | Articles |
 | A warning from the past | The cost, constraints and lack of planning meant that tram in the British Isles was poorly equipped to respond to changes in society. These weaknesses caused tramcar in Britain to disappear much earlier than in the rest of Europe, some weaknesses progressing over the ensuing years to undermine all local transport provisions in the country and more besides. ‘Those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to re-live them!’ | Articles |